Pink Castle with Singing Princesses - 7/10/2009 - This very demanding customer, my daughter, turned five and her cake request was very concise. It was to be "a pink castle with green tops, with windows with princesses hanging out the windows singing 'ahhhhh', and the mouths have to be open so you can see them singing 'ahhh', and a knight on a white horse chasing monsters away off the drawbridge". I took some artistic license and made 3 princesses (Queen Mama, Princess Birthday Girl and Princess Baby Sister), a knight chasing monsters (King Sir Papa, Duke of Poot), AND guarding the door is big brother (Earl of Dinkus). We all seem reluctant to cut it - strawberry jello cake layered with lime cake and strawberry filling await...:-). This cake was a lot of fun but so difficult to do on the sly!