"Allegory of the Soul" or, "Parable of the Artist", Dali in Sugar Collaboration - 1/23/19
The work of Salvador Dali has always been a huge influence on my surrealistic style. His piece "Allegory of the Soul" has always spoken to me from another level of consciousness. I see the caterpillar of the Soul, which burrows into the warm, mortal cocoon of physical existence, where it incubates in the brainpan. That is, until the now-mature, metamorphosed spirit gains inertia and rips through the doughy illusions of the everyday mundane. The Shadow, the projection of this experience, captured on canvas for the observation and education of all, is what we label as "Art".
Artist is what we call alchemists who can do this, and still breathe afterwards. Indeed most Souls are Artists, if they only allow it. Inspirations enter through the invisible cracks in our mundane skulls, ethereal Worms of Creativity sent to us from our Dreams. The gestate, sometimes for a lifetime, before necessarily obliterating the poor face of the Ego on the way out. The larger the rip, and the more horrific the liberation, the better the Art.
Yeah, I told you, more than Just Cake around here. It can get kind of weird. I actually feel Cake is the Perfect Medium, and I get a lil' freaky along the Way. If that appeals to you I invite you to Follow me on Facebook, Instagram or Youtube.
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I call this, my re-creation of Dali's sketch, "Parable of the Artist".
This Art was created as part of an amazing collaboration of 47 sugar artists from all over the world, who have come together to celebrate Dali, 30 years after his death.
Be sure to view the entire project, it has some incredible pieces of Sugar Art, inspired by incredible Art.
My piece here is made with Caljava Gumpaste, Magic Colours dusts, airbrush paints, and gels. Huge Thanks to Elisabete Caseiro for all her hard work! XO Heather at @art2eatcakes
The work of Salvador Dali has always been a huge influence on my surrealistic style. His piece "Allegory of the Soul" has always spoken to me from another level of consciousness. I see the caterpillar of the Soul, which burrows into the warm, mortal cocoon of physical existence, where it incubates in the brainpan. That is, until the now-mature, metamorphosed spirit gains inertia and rips through the doughy illusions of the everyday mundane. The Shadow, the projection of this experience, captured on canvas for the observation and education of all, is what we label as "Art".
Artist is what we call alchemists who can do this, and still breathe afterwards. Indeed most Souls are Artists, if they only allow it. Inspirations enter through the invisible cracks in our mundane skulls, ethereal Worms of Creativity sent to us from our Dreams. The gestate, sometimes for a lifetime, before necessarily obliterating the poor face of the Ego on the way out. The larger the rip, and the more horrific the liberation, the better the Art.
Yeah, I told you, more than Just Cake around here. It can get kind of weird. I actually feel Cake is the Perfect Medium, and I get a lil' freaky along the Way. If that appeals to you I invite you to Follow me on Facebook, Instagram or Youtube.
Or for the Best Tidbits: (Join me for MORE)
I call this, my re-creation of Dali's sketch, "Parable of the Artist".
This Art was created as part of an amazing collaboration of 47 sugar artists from all over the world, who have come together to celebrate Dali, 30 years after his death.
Be sure to view the entire project, it has some incredible pieces of Sugar Art, inspired by incredible Art.
My piece here is made with Caljava Gumpaste, Magic Colours dusts, airbrush paints, and gels. Huge Thanks to Elisabete Caseiro for all her hard work! XO Heather at @art2eatcakes
More Work-In-Progress photos to be included in a Cake Journeybook will be available soon.
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